
Monday 24 May 2021

Naomi Response to Text: Geosphere


Highlight or write the correct answer for each question.

1) What is the geo?

a. Where the water lies b. Layers that make up the Earth??

c. Where living things occupy d. Layer of gas around the Earth

2) True or False: We rely on the geosphere to provide natural resources and a place to grow food.

a. True b. False

3) Which of the following are a part of the geosphere?

a. Volcanoes b. Mountain Ranges

c. Deserts d. All of the above

4) What is the inner core made out of and how hot is it?

→ The inner is made out of 2 metals, Iron and nickel. The inner core's temperature is between 5000c and 6000c.

5) What is the outer core made out of and how hot is it?

→ The outer core is made out of Iron, nickel, sulphur and oxygen. The outer core’s temperature is between 4000c and 6000c. 

6) Which of the following is the lower mantle not made out of?

a. Iron b. Carbon Dioxide

c. Magnesium d. Aluminium??

7) The upper mantle is a ________ state.

a. Gas b. Liquid

c. Solid d. B and C

8) The crust is made out of...?

a. Marmite b. Vegemite

c. Granite d. None of these answers

9) In your own words, describe what the crust is.

→ us humans are standing on one of the earth's thinnest layers, the crust. The crust is made out of solid rocks and minerals. Beneath the crust is another earth’s layer which is called the mantle. The crust is about 8km and 70km thick.

Naomi 4 Facts - Geosphere


in the middle of the earth is the inner's core- Us humans are standing on crust, under the crust is lava and core. 

Thursday 20 May 2021

Naomi Response to Text: Atmosphere


Highlight or write the correct answer for each question.

1) What is the atmosphere?

a. Where the water lies b. Where the rocks are

c. Where living things occupy d. Layer of gas around the Earth

2) True or False: At higher elevations, the atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

a. False?? b. True

3) What is the weight of air known as?

a. Atmospheric pictures b. Atmospheric pressure

c. Atmospheric punctures d. Atmospheric planks

4) Explain in your own words how atmospheric pressure works.

→ I'm not sure but it is called barometric pressure. The pressure is at sea level.

5) What is the importance of the stratosphere?

→ I don’t know. 

6) Which of the following is the layer that is the furthest from the Earth’s surface?

a. Exosphere b. Thermosphere

c. Mesosphere d. Troposphere

7) Explain in your own words how we get the wind.

→ The atmosphere is powered by many things, such as the earth revolving, the  sun rising and setting, ocean currents warming and cooling the air.

8) What has an influence or effect on weather?

a. Being warmed from the Sun b. Air being pushed around the planet

c. The Land and Sea d. All of the above

9) In your own words, explain what happens in the troposphere?

→ I don't know??

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Naomi-My Journey: my Dream places to go.

I would like to visit these country's, continent's and islands because it would be a dream. Also I would like to visit them because I would like to travel around the world with my best friend's. I want to visit the Cook Islands because that's my culture and i wonder what it looks like there.

Monday 17 May 2021

Going to the Fortuna in sky city¬

 on Saturday, me and my family were getting to ready go to the Sky City Fortuna. We were excited to eat together as a family at the Fortuna, even my nana's sister was coming with us. She is super nice to us. My nana's culture is Cook Island. it was 5 o'clock now. So we hopped into the car, put our seat belt on and went to go get my nana's sister. When we arrived at her house, we waited in the car and she came out of the house. She said her goodbye's to The other member of the family in the house and closed the door, ready to go with us to the fortuna. My brother Prodeus was coming with us to but was at my uncles house for the weekends. He still wanted to come so she we went to go pick him after we picked my nana's sister up from her house. We finally arrived at my uncles house, Prodeus was excited to go to the fortuna. Not gonna lie, The sky City fortuna is actually a good place to eat at Tbh... Awhile later, we have finally arrived at the Sky City fortuna, we were all super excited to eat and enjoy ourselves there. We had a great at the Fortuna, hope we go again. soon! <3

We had an amazing/awesome time there <3

Fortuna, Federal Street, Auckland | Zomato

Naomi Fractions - Archimedes (W3, T2)


Fractions maths task, It was kinda hard but i handled this.

Earths system: geosphere.


Interesting facts-

Thursday 13 May 2021

Naomi Week 2 Timestable Practice - Finishers



Naomi Weekly Spelling Words


Naomi STuia Punctuation


Naomi Punctuation worksheet

 What is a full stop and when does it get used?

At the end of a sentence. Also between letters. For example, V.i.p.  

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a full stop.

  • (Sentence 1) I need to go to the toilet.

  • (Sentence 2) I went to the shops to buy candy. 

  • (Sentence 3) I went into the kitchen to get a snack.

What is a question mark and when does it get used?

You use it when you are asking a question, for example. When is your birthday?  

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a question mark.

  • (Sentence 1) When is your birthday?

  • (Sentence 2) Where are you going?

  • (Sentence 3) Do you want to come to the shops with me?

What is a speech mark and when does it get used?

You use speech marks prop- for taking, for example. “Come here,” said Miss Tuia. 

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a speech mark.

  • (Sentence 1) “Come here” said Miss Tuia.

  • (Sentence 2) “stop talking loud” said Miss Tuia.

  • (Sentence 3) “Do you want to stay in at lunch and miss Training” said Miss Tuia.

What is a comma and when does it get used?

You use a comma to either take a breath, for example. 

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a comma.

  • (Sentence 1) I need to go to the toilet real quick, can you look after my stuff while i'm gone.

  • (Sentence 2) I am super hungry, I am going to get a snack from the fridge.

  • (Sentence 3) I am super tired, I am going to have a rest.

What is an exclamation point and when does it get used?

You can use exclamation points when you either shout out, or maybe be excited!

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a exclamation point.

  • (Sentence 1) I am super excited to go to rainbow ends!

  • (Sentence 2) I am super excited to see my cousins! 

  • (Sentence 3) I am super excited to see my nana! 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Naomi Response to Text: Biosphere


Highlight or write the correct answer for each question.

1) What is the biosphere?

a. Where the water lies b. Where the rocks are

c. Where the air travels d. Where living things occupy

2) True or False: The biosphere does not connect with the other Earth’s Spheres.

a. False b. True

3) MRS GREN...?

a. Identifies what is in the air b. Identifies what different rocks are

c. Identifies what is living?? d. Identifies what will happen to the water

4) What does the ‘E’ stand for in MRS GREN?

→ Excretion??

5) Is a flower a living thing? If so, how do you know?

→ yes flowers include plants so they are pretty much a living thing.

6) Which of the following has an effect on the biosphere and our life here on Earth?

a. Distance from the Sun??    b. The climate

c. Animals d. Daily weather

7) Complete the sentence: Even though we can still control our lives, we are still...

→ I can't find the sentence in the article… I don’t know sorry!! Maybe, 

8) What can change the environment and living space for living organisms?.

a. Climate?? b. Daily weather?

c. Erosion? d. None of the above

9) How does the biosphere connect with the other Earth Systems?

→ Pretty much in my opinion, It's because us humans and animals all need those 4 earth systems to be able to survive on earth! That's why we need to keep all those 4 earth systems alive, safe and more <3.

Naomi 4 Facts - Biosphere


one of the earths 4 systems: Biosphere!

Thursday 6 May 2021

Naomi Creative Writing: Guardians of the Galaxy

 Guardians of the Galaxy


Watch our immersion movie. Think about the storyline, what is being said, and the different emotions the characters would be going through. Make sure to use descriptive language.  

Challenge:  Write this scene—from beginning to end, all of the action in between.

Gold: 4-5 paragraphs

Silver: 3-4 paragraphs

Bronze: 2-3 paragraphs 


  • Who, what, when, where, why?

What happened first:

What happened in the middle:

What happened next:


Start your writing here:

→ The ship was blasting with music. Inside the ship was star lord grooving to his music on the headphones. While he was dancing to his music, Gamora came out of nowhere and tapped him on the shoulder. Star Lord took his headphones off and Gamora said to him to stay focused, They have an important mission to do.

 Star lord said, oh come on Gamora you're just jealous i'm such an amazing dancer. yeah right, whatever, Gamora said. Groot came out of nowhere and said, I am groot. Gamora said, anyways our new mission is to find out more about planet earth. Star Lord was shocked, He yelled with excitement and said, Hey!! That’s my home, that's where I'm from.

 Well how unlucky for them, Gamora said. We will arrive on planet earth in 30 seconds. 30 seconds later, they have arrived on planet earth. They were in a Beautiful city called Auckland. Auckland city was in a country named New Zealand.

 They walked around for a little while and finally stopped to check the computer. Gamora checked the computer and a robot came up.

 The Robot said, can I help you?? We are on planet earth now, what can you tell us about this beautiful planet? The robot said, Planet earth is the third planet from the sun. It has 4 Earth systems that are connected. Air,water,land and life. Star lord had a question and said, what's the earth population now? 

The robot said, earth now has 7.4 billion people on planet earth. Gamora asked, what kind of dangers do we have to keep away from? Well there are a lot of dangers on planet earth, said the robot. The most dangerous is humans. 

Star lord said, what? But how! Out loud. Humans are dangerous because they Pollute the beautiful ocean and planet. it kills birds, animals, fish and more! After the robot has finished explaining about humans, Nebula comes out of the bushes and says, that's why we need to destroy all humans!

 They all said, Nebula, What are you doing here? Nebula said that she is going to destroy all humans by using the infinity stones. They had to stop her, So they took out their swords and started to fight. Uh..oh.. Nebula cuts Groot's right arm off, but it's okay because Groot is fine! A few seconds later they knocked her sword out of her hands and Star Lord grabbed her arms so she doesn’t escape. 

They cheered and said, let's take her to mars jail area, she deserves to be there. So 30 seconds later, they teleported to mars and took her to jail.