
Monday 18 October 2021

Naomi Niue Lang. Week - Alien Landing (Monday T4, W1)

 Creative Writing - 


Bronze - One Paragraph

Silver Two Paragraphs

Gold - Three or more Paragraphs

Medal Achieved:

Gold, Silver, Bronze awards icons by Aidan Dore on Dribbble

Begin your writing here:

 Just a normal lovely day at Niue until I saw something in the distance of the ocean!! It was coming closer and closer until I realised it was a-a UFO and Alien!! The alien got out of its nice and small Ufo and started coming closer to me. I thought it was gonna abduct me and everyone else!!

 I screamed as loud as I could until it waved at me in a friendly way. The alien was causing no harm at all <3

 I waved at the friendly alien and walked towards him or her slowly. I have gotten closer to the alien and the alien said hi! I said hi back and smiled at him or her :3 I asked for her or his name and the alien said, “My name is google! I’m a boy” Me: Google? Like the research or whatever google? The alien stood there confused and said “um... “ Let's continue this amazing adventure UwU'' I asked and said, “what adventure? Google said, 'Well what are you waiting for, show me around this amazing planet!!’ I was confused but I was like, “Um... Okay I guess.” But first.. We need to teach you how to walk, look, talk and more like Niue!! Because, if you went out as your normal self you would g-e-t killed!!!” Google said, “Oh, i’m just an alien, i can’t die by human weapons xD Silly” Me: But i might get killed then!” Google, okay fineeee….. 

I taught Google how to act, walk, look and talk like Niue!! “Google just loved how he looked, acted and more UwU. He was starting to like Niue. But, Niue isn’t the proper home for him, he needs to go back to his planet but.. His UFO was broken. :c 30 minutes later, it was show time <3 I needed to get some tools to fix his UFO. So I showed him all these amazing people and homes until we got to the tool store. I asked for a couple of tools like a wrench, hammer and more!! Ofc, i needed to pay for the tools but it was prop- worth it anyways. Google was in love with Niue but like i said, Niue isn’t the proper home for him!! He wanted to explore other parts of the village, so I let him go off for now while I fixed his UFO. 

1 Hour later i finally finished.. My back hurt so much I needed a big rest!  Google was hanging out with the little kids ofc UwU. I went to go get him and said “Hey google! Your UFO is now fixed <3 You can leave now :)” Google was a little upset but he knew he had to go back home to his planet so, he waved goodbye to the little kids and left. I gave him a big hug and he stepped into his UFO. He buckled himself and was gonna blast off into space in three seconds!! I was the only one there so no one knew he was in a UFO. I waved at him with a big jump and he blasted away! It felt great having an amazing Alien friend for a couple of hours UwU I sure will miss Google!!

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